The introductory session for the basic physics practical course for minor students will take place in winter semester 2022/23 on
- Friday 21 October 2022 at 16:45 via ZOOM.
The link will be emailed to all registered practical students prior to the start of the event.
General Information
Welcome to the website of the physics basic practical course. This event is not only a central part of the first semesters of your physics degree programme but is also part of the basic education of many other natural science and engineering courses. In any case, we give you the opportunity to understand the contents of the lectures by performing your own experiments (“hands-on physics”) and at the same time to learn and practice the basics of scientific work.
In detail, it is about first understanding the physical basics and questions, then understanding the corresponding experimental setup (in every respect) in order to correctly record measured values, and finally also about analysing and interpreting the measurement results. The whole experiment has to be recorded in such a way that all results can be used scientifically afterwards.