Complete the examination procedure

After passing the disputation the accepted dissertation has to be published to the public within one year due to the General Doctoral Regulations of the TU Darmstadt. The default way to do so is to publish the electronic version via TUprints.

Please find all useful informations at the webpages of the Dezernat II.

  • Finalize the electronic version of the accepted dissertation.
  • Send the final electronic version of your accepted dissertation to your supervisor.
  • Fill in the form: declaration regarding transfer rights (opens in new tab).
  • Hand in the form: declaration regarding transfer rights to the Department's Office ONLY You don't have to provide the form to the ULB, we will send a scan. Please have in mind that you AND your supervisor have to sign the form.
  • Upload the electronic version of your accepted dissertation to TUprints. The ULB will conduct a checkup of your document. Afterwards you will get any response.

Once the Department's Office got all notice of publication by ULB and your diploma is ready to be picked up, we will send you an email to pick up your doctoral certificate.

  • When collecting the doctoral certificate, two hardcopies of the published dissertation should be submitted to the Department's Office. One copy will be given to your supervisor, the second copy will be added to the departmental library.
  • We recommend not to print the hardcopies before TUprints published the dissertation.

Please find all information in the Prozessdarstellung des Dezernat II.

Please keep in mind that – according to the General Doctoral Regulations of TU Darmstadt – the use of the doctoral degree is only permitted after the completion of the doctorate, i.e. after receipt of the doctoral certificate.