Percent-for-art projects (Kunst am Bau)
Bernd Krimmel „Urgrund aller Dinge“
Bernd Krimmel created the ensemble „Urgrund aller Dinge“ in 1956/57. The mural is made of Resopal, a material consisting of paper and water-based resins. It can be found on the second floor of building S2|04.
Helmut Lander "Mosaik“
The “Mosaik” by Helmut Lander from 1955 can be seen in the upper foyer of the large physics lecture hall, building S2|06.
Hagen Hilderhof “vier mal drei” (2012)
Hagen Hilderhof created the sculpture “vier mal drei” in 2012. It is located in the atrium of the Lernzentrum Physik, building S2|04.
Unique experimental setups
Foucault pendulum
The fact that the Earth spins around its axis is common knowledge today. A famous proof of this rotation is the Foucault pendulum. Such a pendulum is on display in the department.
Spark chamber
A spark chamber is a particle detector to detect electrically charged particles such as myons.