Professors and Lecturers

There are currently over 30 professors in the Department of Physics. Here you can find the contact overview of all lecturers as well as second memberships and retired professors.

Adjunct professors and retired professors

Photo Name Research group/research areas Contact
Prof. Dr. Almudena Arcones
Theoretical Astrophysics
+49 6151 16-21547
S2|11 105
Prof. Dr. Thomas Aumann
Experimental Nuclear Physics
+49 6151 16-23530
S1|19 12
Prof. Dr. Vincent Bagnoud
PHELIX laser facility, ultrahigh-intensity laser physics and development, relativistic laser-plasma interactions
+49 6159 71 1433
Professor Dr. Gerhard Birkl
+49 6151 16-20410
S2|15 126
Apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Blochowicz
Head of basic lab courses
Structure and Dynamics of Amorphous Systems
+49 6151 16-21601
S2|07 64
Prof. Dr. Jens Braun
Vice Chairperson, Academic Affairs (BSc. and MSc. programmes)
Renormalization Group, flow equations, Gauge Theories, Strongly-coupled fermionic systems, QCD phase diagram, Finite-Volume Effects in Quantum Field Theories, Cold atomic gases, Many-body physics
+49 6151 16-21549
S2|11 109
Prof. Dr. Barbara Drossel
Theory of Complex Systems
+49 6151 16-21321
S2|07 17
Prof. Dr. Meytal Duer
Multi-neutron states, short range correlations, hypernuclei
+49 6151 16-23523
S1|19 11
Prof. PhD. Marco Durante
Radiation Biophysics, Biophysics Department (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
S2|07 163
Prof. Dr. Joachim Enders
Student's dean for teachers and Masters of Education
Experimental and technical nuclear physics
+49 6151 16-23560
S2|14 210
Priv. Doz. Dr. Thomas Friedrich
Exploring quark matter with virtual photons, ,
+49 6159 71 1340
Prof. Dr. Tetyana Galatyuk
Exploring quark matter with virtual photons
+49 6151 16-23566
S1|03 102a
Prof. Dr. Claudiu Genes
Theoretical Quantum Technology
+49 6151 16-20400
S2|09 2
Prof. Dr. Enno Giese
Theoretical Quantum Optics
+49 6151 16-20162
S2|15 147
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Paolo Giubellino
+49 6159 71 2649
Prof. Dr. Malte Göttsche
Science for Nuclear Diplomacy, experimental physics and computational nuclear engineering, disarmament of nuclear weapons, development of novel verification techniques, proliferation potentials of new nuclear technologies
S2|15 44
Prof. Dr. Markus Gräfe
Experimental Solid State Quantum Optics
+49 6151 16-20451
S2|15 142
Prof. Dr. Thomas Halfmann
Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics
+49 6151 16-20740
S2|07 8
Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Hammer
+49 6151 16- 21560
S2|11 106
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Kröll
+49 6151 16-23570
S2|14 306
Prof. Dr. Stephan Kuschel
Laboratory Astrophysics
+49 6151 16-23589
S1|19 112
Prof. Dr. Benno Liebchen
Theory of Soft Matter
+49 6151 16-24509
S2|04 104
Prof. Dr. Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
+49 6159 71 2750
GSI KBW 2.09
Prof. Dr. Daniel Mohler
Theoretical hadron physics, Meson–baryon scattering and baryon resonances, hadron reactions and nucleon-resonances
+49 6151 16-21554
S2|11 304
Prof. Ph.D. Guy D. Moore
+49 6151 16-21567
S02|11 303
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Nörtershäuser
+49 6151 16-23575
S2|14 221
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Obertelli
Experimental nuclear physics with radioactive nuclei
+49 6151 16-23539
S1|19 111
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Norbert Pietralla
Managing director of the Institute for Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Structure Physics and S-DALINAC
+49 6151 16-23540
S2|14 212
Prof. Dr. Markus Roth
Laser- and Plasmyphysics
+49 6151 16-23580
S2|14 321
Prof. Dr. Robert Roth
Theoretical Nuclear and Many-Body Physics, Ab Initio Nuclear Structure Theory, Ultracold Atomic Gases, Computational Physics
+49 6151 16-21540
S2|11 204
Prof. Dr. Emanuel Schneck
Soft Matter Biophysics
+49 6151 16-20530
S2|04 105
Prof. Ph.D. Achim Schwenk
, , ,
+49 6151 16-21550
S2|11 205
Prof.'in Dr. Verena Spatz
Vice Chairperson, Teacher training
physics education
+49 6151 16-20470
S2|01 203
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Urbaszek
Hybrid Quantum Systems
+49 6151 16-21210
S2|07 156
Prof. Dr. Michael Vogel
Managing director of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
Molecular Dynamics of Soft Matter
+49 6151 16-21500
S2|07 82
Prof. Dr. Regine von Klitzing
Vice Dean
Soft Matter at Interfaces
+49 6151 16-24506
S2|04 102
Apl. Prof. Dr. Peter von Neumann-Cosel
+49 6151 16-23555
S2|14 315
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Walser
Managing Director Institute for Applied Physics
Theoretical Quantum Dynamics
+49 6151 16-20320
S2|09 104
Prof. Dr. Thomas Walther
Laser and Quantum Optics
+49 6151 16-20830
S2|15 114
Prof. Dr. Oliver Boine-Frankenheim GSI Darmstadt
Fachbereich Elektrotechnik
+49 6159 71 2408
Prof. Dr. Gerd Buntkowsky TU Darmstadt
Fachbereich Chemie
Prof. Dr. Kay Hamacher TU Darmstadt
Fachbereich Biologie
Prof. Dr. Steffen Hardt TU Darmstadt
Fachbereich Maschinenbau
Prof. Dr. Nico van der Vegt TU Darmstadt
Fachbereich Chemie
Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Gernot Alber
Theoretical Quantum Physics
S2|09 03
Priv. Doz. Dr. Ingo Alig
+49 (0)6151 705-8659
Apl. Prof. Dr. Hartmut Benner
Prof. Dr. Peter Braun-Munzinger
+49 6159 71 2760
GSI KBW 5.33
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang F. Ellermeier
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Elsäßer
Semiconductor Optics
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Feile
Prof. Dr. Hans Feldmeier
+49 6159 71 2744
GSI KBW 2.14
Prof. Dr. Bengt Friman
+49 6159 71 2757
GSI KBW 2.15
Prof. Dr. Franz Fujara
Prof. Dr. Norbert Grewe
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c./RUS Dieter H.H. Hoffmann
Nuclear Science/Astroparticlephysics
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kaiser
Theoretical Nonlinear Dynamics
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kübler
Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Langanke
+49 6159 71 2747
GSI KBW 2.29
Dr. Matthias F. M. Lutz
+49 6159 71 2758
GSI SB3 4.117
Prof. Dr. Peter Mulser
Plasma Physics
S2|05 103
Prof. Dr. Marina Petri
Prof. em. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. mult. Achim Richter
Nuclear Reactions with Light and Heavy Ions, Symmetries and Invariance Principles, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Structure and electromagnetic Interaction in Nuclei, Accelerator Physics, Nuclear Astrophysics, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
+49 6151 16-23554
S2|14 314
Prof. Dr. Harald Rose
Light and Particle Physics
S2|07 161
Prof. Dr. Herwig Sauermann
Prof. Dr. Bernd Stühn
+49 6151 16-21600
S2|07 153
Prof. Dr. Theo Tschudi
Prof. Dr. Lorenz von Smekal
Prof. Dr. Jochen Wambach
+49 6151 16-21563
S2|11 307