Fachbereich Physik
Spontaneous charging of sliding water drops
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Butt, Max Planck Institute of Polymer Research, Mainz
Water drops moving on surfaces are not only an everyday phenomenon seen on windows but also form an essential part of many industrial processes.
24. Januar 2025, 14:00-15:30
S2|08, Raum 171
Hochschulstraße 4
64289 Darmstadt
Fachbereich Physik
Like in triboelectricity, moving drops can separate electric charges. This phenomenon is called slide electrification. Typically, water drops sliding down hydrophobic surfaces spontaneously acquire a positive charge while they deposit negative charges on the solid surface.
It is still not clear how charges are deposited although it is energetically unfavorable. A mechanism leading to charge separation will be discussed. Consequences of charging for drop motion, a possible degradation of the substrate and the deposition of charge molecules.
Physikalisches Kolloquium, srd